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Minnesota DWI Courts Reduce Recidivism Among Chronic DWI Offenders

Minnesota has DWI speciality courts in 16 of its 87 counties and in a two year study, funded with a $500,000 grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it was found that the re-arrest rates for those individuals completing the Minnesota DWI Court program was dramatically less than for those individuals who went through the… Read more »

Driver Hits St. Paul Fire Station and is Charged with DUI

A woman has been cited in St. Paul for driving while impaired after police say she crashed into a St. Paul fire station. As reported by the St. Paul Pioneer Press, there were no injuries in the accident, though the West Seventeenth Street station sustained damage. The woman told police that she was driving west… Read more »

8 People Indicted after Accusations of Bringing Heroin to Minneapolis

A grand jury has indicted eight people on charges of conspiracy to distribute heroin in Minneapolis. These individuals are believed to be part of a drug ring that is known as “The Crew,” according to federal prosecutors. The Associated Press reports the eight individuals are believed to have brought heroin from Chicago to Minneapolis, selling… Read more »

South Minneapolis Hit and Run Leads to DWI Charge

The driver of a car in a hit and run accident that critically injured a young man in South Minneapolis has been charged with criminal vehicular operation and second-degree DWI. In an article published by the Minnesota Star Tribune, it appears that just minutes after police said a man ran over another man, the driver was… Read more »

Heroin Antidote Now Carried by Hennepin County Sheriff’s Deputies

According to an article published by the Star Tribune, Hennepin County sheriff’s deputies now carry the heroin antidote that can reverse the effects of a heroin overdose and save lives. The antidote is a drug that temporarily counteracts the potentially lethal painkiller or heroin overdose. A new Minnesota state law now says that first responders… Read more »

DWI-Related Traffic Deaths Saw Drop in 2013

DWI is a crime that is aggressively pursued in Minnesota because of the dangers that it poses to society. Fortunately, statistics show that Minnesota roads were safer in 2013. A new study by the Department of Public Safety showed that impaired-related traffic deaths dropped by nine percent over 2012. This does not mean that there… Read more »

Cottage Grove DWI: Man Flees and Car Catches Fire

A man has been arrested after he was allegedly driving while under the influence of alcohol. After the traffic stop, he fled police officers in Cottage Grove. According to the Cottage Grove Police, officers responded to a call that stated an elderly man hit a rock and ran over a curb on 80th Street. The… Read more »