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Defense Lawyers Lobby To Change Minnesota DWI License Revocation Statute!

The Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (MACDL) and the Minnesota Society For Criminal Justice (MSCJ) are lobbying to change the Minnesota DWI license revocation statute. The bill that MACDL and MSCJ have put forward seeks to eliminate some of the impediments currently contained in the Minnesota DWI license revocation statute which discourage those individuals seeking the reinstatement of their drivers’ license following an arrest for a Minnesota DWI.

Years ago, anyone arrested for a DWI had to take the behind-the-wheel test and written test to obtain the reinstatement of their license. The legislature eventually eliminated the driving portion of the test and the current bill seeks to eliminate the written test as well.  Under the current bill, individuals seeking reinstatement, will no longer be required to test their knowledge of Chapters 7 & 8 of the Minnesota Driver’s Manual.

Additional changes contained in the bill are:

1. An insurance certificate (SR-22) will no longer be required to participate in the ignition interlock program, unless the individual has a previous “no insurance” violation;

2. Individuals who have had their license cancelled as “Inimical to Public Safety” are allowed on the interlock program and will be issued an otherwise unlimited license. The current statute requires that the first-year license on the interlock be a limited or “work permit”.  The proposed bill will allow unlimited driving for anyone who has enrolled in the Minnesota Ignition Interlock Program.

3. It does away with the requirement that whiskey (i.e. WX, WZ) plates be on vehicles equipped with an interlock device.  The current statute requires all vehicles owned by the offender to have whiskey plates, even vehicles which are jointly owned by an innocent party.

The changes to the Minnesota DWI license revocation statute have the support of law enforcement and it is hoped the bill will pass this session. If you wish to support the bill, contact your Minnesota legislator today!

If you or a loved one have been arrested for a Minnesota DWI or are facing the forfeiture of your motor vehicle, contact Minneapolis DWI Lawyer F. T. Sessoms at (612) 344-1505 today!